Node JS Training in Gurgaon


What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source run-time environment that is cross-platform and JavaScript-based which runs on Google’s V8 engine which is a JavaScript(r) engine, which is run in conjunction with Google Chrome. Node.js utilizes JavaScript to build server-side apps such as the web server. Node.js(r) employs an event-driven, nonblocking IO model in order to make it light and efficient.

What is the reason for node.js?

If you’re familiar with JavaScript then you have a look at Node.js.

Yes, creating Node.js(r) software is just as similar to how you are familiar with JavaScript. Many modules are being developed each day which makes Node.js development even more simple. There is no requirement for changing JSON to server-side data since in Node.js the client and server run on JavaScript.

What can we do at Aptron for Node.js?

Beginning with JavaScript(r) fundamentals, we’ll take you through all of the complex concepts, such as connecting to databases server-side routing, making API calls, etc. We at Aptron train Node.js using experts who are the best in Gurgaon.

Who is Node.js appropriate for?

Node.js(r) is ideal for those who are familiar with JavaScript and front-end developers who wish to control the back end.

Whom do we train?

We teach professionals as well as nonprofessionals who are able to get into Node.js and use it as part of their job to get to the next level.

Job openings for Node.js

JavaScript is considered to be the largest and most well-known today and the market is experiencing a massive demand in the market for Node.js developers.

Node.js Training Course Content

Node.js is an open source platform based using the Chrome JavaScript runtime, which allows you to build speedy and scalable applications for networks. Utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O system that makes it light and efficient. It is perfect for data-intensive real time applications that are run on distributed devices. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Node.js and learn how to create a basic application. Alexander Zanfir dives into subjects like NPM reading and writing files, as well as Node.js frameworks. Discusses Node JS Training in Gurgaon features, like wait and async, and also explores the most popular internet development techniques. Alexander will also show you how to create a demonstration chat application from the beginning to the
